Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
ICI Reduction in OFDM Systems Using a New Family of Nyquist-I Pulses
(IEEE, 2015)
In this paper the parametric linear combination pulse (IPLCP) is proposed. The IPLCP is a new family of Nyquist-I pulses with two additional degrees of freedom to minimize the inter-carrier interference (ICI) power in ...
Evaluation of ISI-Free Parametric Linear Combination Pulses in Digital Communication Systems
(Springer, 2015)
Digital communication systems are characterized by having a filter at the
transmitter and receiver sides to band limit the transmitted signals and diminish the effects
to intersymbol interference (ISI). The optimum ...
Performance Enhancement of OFDM-Based Systems Using Improved Parametric Linear Combination Pulses
(Springer, 2015)
As the demand for better performance increases in next-generation networks,
such as 5G technologies, more efficient modulation techniques are required. In this work,
we evaluate the performance of the improved parametric ...
Characterising Discrete-time Linear Systems With The "mixed" Positive Real And Bounded Real Property
(European Control Association, 2014)
Estimación de los componentes de variación genética en fase vegetativa de progenies de palma americana de aceite (Elaeis oleifera).
(Universidad nacional de Colombia Sede PalmiraPalmira - Ciencias Agropecuarias - Maestría en Ciencias AgrariasFacultad de Ciencias AgropecuariasPalmira Valle del Cauca, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Palmira, 2022)
Elaeis oleifera es una palma originaria de América y existe poca investigación sobre los
parámetros genéticos para los programas de mejoramiento. Se evaluaron 24 progenies en
vivero (10 y 12 meses) y 16 progenies en etapa ...