Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 123
Water and nutrient supply for desert food webs: from autotrophs to top consumers within the framework of ecological stoichiómetry.
Energy and material flow are essential to ecosystem functioning. Transfer of energy and
nutrients within ecosystems is best described in terms of food web interactions among taxa
in ecological comrnunities. Energy and ...
Seasonal patterns of organic matter stoichiometry along a mountain catchment
(Springer, 2016-05)
Organic matter (OM) nutrient content is expected to change as OM is transported from upstream forested reaches downstream to open land, and these changes could depend on seasonal patterns. The aim of this study was to ...
Detrital nutrient content determines growth rate and elemental composition of bromeliad-dwelling insects
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2014)
Light intensity regulates stoichiometry of benthic grazers through changes in the quality of stream periphyton
(University of Chicago Press, 2019-06)
In mountain streams, light is a key factor for primary production and primary producer nutrient stoichiometry, or the relative composition of carbon (C) compared to phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) in primary producers. ...
Native and alien herbaceous plants in the Brazilian Cerrado are (co-)limited by different nutrients
Background and aims: The diverse flora of the Brazilian Cerrado is threatened by agricultural expansion, nutrient enrichment and invasion of alien plants. We performed a fertilization experiment to investigate the nature ...