Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
Comparación de las complicaciones del levonorgestrel y la combinación norgestrel atinilestradiol – hospital Banda de Shilcayo período 1996 – 1997
(Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo EditorialPE, 1997)
This research traba._io is a study of scriptivo, is also comparative with prospective data and so it was long! tudinal in time, which is an applied research, which was developed in the hospital, rural of the Banda de ...
Enzyme butilcholinesterase activity variation in hormonal contraception usersVariación de la Actividad de la Enzima Butirilcolinesterasa en Usuarias de Anticonceptivos Hormonales
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2000)
In vitro action of progestogens on sperm migration in human cervical mucus
(Elsevier, 1975)
The presence of progestogens in the cervical mucus suppresses and arrests sperm penetration. Using the Kremer technique, the effects of in vitro released progesterone, d norgestrel, and cyproterone acetate were studied by ...
Norgestrel-etinilestradiol en la terapia del sangramiento uterino anormal
(Universidad del Zulia, 2013)
Control of fertility by monthly injections of a mixture of norgestrel and a long-acting estrogen : A preliminary report
(Contraception, 1972)
Fifty women were treated over 550 menstrual cycles with a long-acting injectable mixture of 25 mg norgestrel and 5 mg estradiol hexa-hydro-benzoate administered monthly. The treatment proved to produce sterility in all ...
Ensayo Clínico de un Contraceptivo Oral Combinado: d-Norgestrel 150 mcg y Etinilestradiol 30 mcg
(Universidad del Zulia, 2012)
Comparative clinical study of two different progestogens administered in subdermal implantsEstudio clínico comparativo de dos diferentes progestágenos administrados en implantes subdérmicos
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 1978)
A single-arm study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and acceptability of pericoital oral contraception with levonorgestrel
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2014)