Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 414
Los libros de texto en la formación de docentes de inglés: de la didáctica tradicional a la didáctica no parametral
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 3 de)
Discriminative multi-stream postfilters based on deep learning for enhancing statistical parametric speech synthesis
Statistical parametric speech synthesis based on Hidden Markov Models has been an
important technique for the production of artificial voices, due to its ability to produce results with high intelligibility and sophisticated ...
Data-driven representations for testing independence: modeling, analysis and connection with mutual information estimation
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers, 2022)
This work addresses testing the independence of two
continuous and finite-dimensional random variables from the design of a data-driven partition. The empirical log-likelihood statistic is adopted to approximate the ...
Genome-enabled prediction using probabilistic neural network classifiers
(BioMed Central, 2023)
Synergistic multi-contrast cardiac magnetic resonance image reconstruction
(ROYAL SOC, 2021)
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is an important tool for the non-invasive diagnosis of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Parametric mapping with multi-contrast CMR is able to quantify tissue alterations in ...
A study of the use of complexity measures in the similarity search process adopted by kNN algorithm for time series prediction
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEEMiami, 2015-12)
In the last two decades, with the rise of the Data Mining process, there is an increasing interest in the adaptation of Machine Learning methods to support Time Series non-parametric modeling and prediction. The non-parametric ...
Fatores que influenciam na nota da redação do ENEM no Rio Grande do Norte
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEstatística, 2021)
Comparative Analysis of a Principal Component Analysis-Based and an Artificial Neural Network-Based Method for Baseline Removal
This work presents a non-parametric method based on a principal component analysis (PCA) and a parametric one based on artificial neural networks (ANN) to remove continuous baseline features from spectra. The non-parametric ...
K vizinhos mais próximos circular: uma nova proposta para predição de dados angulares
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia de ProduçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoCentro de Tecnologia, 2022-03-11)
Circular data are present in several areas of science and lack specific statistical methods for
their treatment. The calculation of descriptive statistics for data of a linear nature, for example,
does not result in ...
Fixed-rate universal lossy source coding and model identification: Connection with zero-rate density estimation and the skeleton estimator
(MDPI AG, 2018)
This work demonstrates a formal connection between density estimation with a data-rate
constraint and the joint objective of fixed-rate universal lossy source coding and model identification
introduced by Raginsky in ...