Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
Construction of a canonical model for a first-order non-Fregean logic with a connective for reference and a total truth predicate
Logics with quantifiers that range over a model-theoretic universe of propositions are interesting for several applications. For example, in the context of epistemic logic the knowledge axioms can be expressed by the single ...
Application of boolean pre-algebras to the foundations of computer science
(Instituto de MatemáticaDepartamento de Ciência da ComputaçãoBCCUFBAbrasil, 2016-06-03)
Aumentar a expressividade de um sistema lógico é um objetivo de muitos campos na Ciência da Computação como o de Sistemas Formais, Construção de Co- nhecimento, Linguística, Lógica Universal e Teoria dos modelos. O aumento ...
Two's Company: The Humbug Of Many Logical Values
(Birkhäuser Verlag Basel • Boston • Berlin, 2005)
Of madness and many-valuedness: an investigation into Suszko's Thesis
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FILOSOFIA, 2015-09-04)
Suszko’s Thesis is a philosophical claim regarding the nature of many-valuedness. It was formulated by the Polish logician Roman Suszko during the middle 70s and states the existence of “only but two truth values”. The ...