Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8034
Law, ideal theory and non-ideal theory of justiceDireito e teorias ideal e não ideal da justiça
(Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2016)
Medical ethics and more: Ideal theories, non-ideal theories and conscientious objection
(B M J Publishing Group, 2015-01)
Doing 'good medical ethics' requires acknowledgment that it is often practised in non-ideal circumstances! In this article I present the distinction between ideal theory (IT) and non-ideal theory (NIT). I show how IT may ...
Direito e teorias ideal e não ideal da justiça
The article discusses the importance of ideal and non-ideal theories of justice for the assessment of proposals of legal reform. Agreeing, on this respect, with Sen (2006; 2009), I argue that ideal theory (in the sense of ...
Why an ideal theory of justice?Por que uma teoria ideal da justiça?
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023)
On local analysis of oscillations of a non-ideal and non-linear mechanical model
(Kluwer Academic Publ, 2004-08-01)
It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is ...
On local analysis of oscillations of a non-ideal and non-linear mechanical model
(Kluwer Academic Publ, 2004-08-01)
It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is ...
O dual de um ideal de operadores e ideais de operadores simétricos entre espaços de BanachThe dual of an operators ideal and symmetric operators ideals on Banach spaces
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em MatemáticaCiências Exatas e da TerraUFU, 2016)
Non-ideal excitation approach for piezoelectric vibration based energy harvesting
Common solution for energy harvester device is project design according harmonic excitation around natural frequency matching excitation source. Environment vibration is random and wide band causing short time of resonance ...
Non-linear energy harvesting system efficiency comparison from periodic to non-ideal excitation
Dynamics of a non-linear energy harvesting is affected by excitation source and to explore efficiency it is necessary to understand which region offers more energy and the influence of a forced periodic vibration related ...
A Short Note on a Nonlinear System vibrations under Two Non-Ideal Excitations
This paper describes a nonlinear phenomenon in the dynamical behavior of a nonlinear system under two non-ideal excitations: the self-synchronization of unbalanced direct current motors. The considered model is taken as a ...