Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 804
Firefighters' noise exposure: a literature review
(Fundação Otorrinolaringologia, 2013-03-01)
AIM: To review the literature about the effects of environmental noise on the hearing ability of firefighters. METHOD: The PubMed and Scielo databases were searched and studies from 2002 to 2012 that included the keywords ...
Caracterização dos níveis de ruído em uma casa noturna
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil, 2013-04-24)
The objective of this work is to identify through measurements, the sound pressure levels existing in a house of entertainment (nightclub, show house). In this environment, some laboring workers exposed to noise levels, ...
Joint effects of smoking, noise exposure and age on hearing loss
Background: Smoking has been shown to have adverse effects on hearing, but it’s unclear whether smoking interacts with known causes of hearing loss such as noise exposure and ageing. Aims: To examine the hypothesis that ...
Firefighters' noise exposure: a literature review
(Fundação Otorrinolaringologia, 2015)
Firefighters' noise exposure: a literature review
(Fundação Otorrinolaringologia, 2015)
Additive Noise Induces Front Propagation
The effect of additive noise on a static front that connects a stable homogeneous state with an also stable
but spatially periodic state is studied. Numerical simulations show that noise induces front propagation.
The ...
Ruído e idade: Análise da influência na audição em indivíduos com 50 - 70 anos
Background: age and exposure to noise are among the factors that may cause hearing loss in adults. Both of these factors are considered additives once their combined effects can cause damage to the hair cells of the organ ...
Noise-induced sleep disruption increases weight gain and decreases energy metabolism in female rats
Background/objectives Inadequate sleep increases obesity and environmental noise contributes to poor sleep. However, women may be more vulnerable to noise and hence more susceptible to sleep disruption-induced weight gain ...