Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 221
Querer, parecer e receber: os efeitos da motivação para servir e do fit com o trabalho e com a organização no desempenho de servidores públicos
Objetivo – O presente estudo busca compreender de que forma a motivação para servir, a congruência de valores entre o servidor e a organização (P-O Fit), e a satisfação das necessidades desse servidor (N-S Fit) interagem ...
On paternalistic leadership fit: exploring cross-cultural endorsement, leader-follower fit, and the boundary role of organizational culture
Although cross-cultural leadership research has thrived in international business literature, little attention has been devoted to understanding the effectiveness of non-western theories beyond their original contexts. The ...
Entrepreneurship as a Lifestyle: The role attitude plays in the employment dynamics of workers in the fitness and children's party sectors (Córdoba, Argentina)
(Institucio Alfons el Magnanim - Diputacio de Valencia, 2019-05)
Within the framework of our research, the entrepreneur and variations on this concept emerged as a meaningful theme in the statements in interviews, and in the textual-digital material circulated in the recreation and ...
O problema de seleção de fornecedores: estudo de caso para compras spot
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2014-03-12)
The Supplier Selection Problem is considered a strategic activity for companies that are embedded in dynamic and competitive environments. This is an important decision to obtain lower costs and better service levels in ...
Contribution of riboflavin supply pathways to Vibrio cholerae in different environments
(Biomed Central Ltd., 2017)
Background: The waterborne diarrheagenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae, cause of the pandemic cholera disease, thrives in a variety of environments ranging from estuarine waters to the human intestinal tract. This species has ...
Um diagnóstico do elo curtume da cadeia do couro do Oeste Paulista baseado na Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM)
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-02-08)
O Brasil está entre os países que mais exportam couro. O segmento de couro possui importante papel na contribuição do desenvolvimento econômico de várias cidades brasileiras. O estado de São Paulo é destaque na produção ...
On the control of vibrations using synchrophasing
This paper describes the application of a technique, known as synchrophasing, to the control of machinery vibration. It is applicable to machinery installations, in which several synchronous machines, such as those driven ...
Validación de modelos acuapónicos en el Quindío
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Centro Agroindustrial, 2017)
Emprender como estilo de vida. La «actitud» en las dinámicas laborales de los trabajadores del fitness y el entretenimiento infantil (Córdoba, Argentina)Entrepreneurial lifestyle: The role attitude plays in the labour dynamics of fitness and children's entertainment workers (Córdoba, Argentina)Emprendre com a estil de vida. L’actitud en les dinàmiques laborals de treballadors del fitness i de l’entreteniment infantil (Córdoba, Argentina)
(Centre Valencià d'Estudis i d'Investigació. Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2019-05)
En el marco de nuestras investigaciones la figura del emprendedor y sus modulaciones aparecían como significante relevanteen las enunciaciones de los agentes entrevistados y en el material textual-digital que circulaba por ...