Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 50
Acute inflammatory response to transgastric natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery peritoneoscopy: An experimental study in swine
(Hospital Clinicas, Univ São Paulo, 2013-01-01)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of transgastric peritoneal access on plasma biomarkers of acute inflammatory response in comparison to laparoscopy.METHODS: This was a prospective and comparative study in a porcine ...
International Multicenter Trial on Clinical Natural Orifice Surgery-NOTES IMTN Study: Preliminary Results of 362 Patients
Objectives: Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is evolving as a promising alternative for abdominal surgery. IMTN Registry was designed to prospectively document early results of natural orifice surgery ...
Urologic Notes: Where are we and where are we going? Cirugía endoscópica transluminal por orificios naturales en urología: Donde estamos y hacia donde vamos
(Iniestares, S.A., 2009)
The natural orifice translumenal endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) approach has been successfully reported by several surgical teams in different specialties. Urologic teams have recently presented several experimental and clinical ...
The use of Mitomycin-C to reduce synechia in middle meatus in sinus surgery: preliminary results
Synechia is the most frequent complication after sinus surgery and has been reported in up to 36% of cases. Several types of materials have been used to reduce the incidence of synechia, including Mitomycin C (MMC). ...
Ovariectomia em cadelas por notes híbrida ou total: estudo de viabilidade técnica, análises álgica e de cortisol plasmático
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilMedicina VeterináriaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Medicina VeterináriaCentro de Ciências Rurais, 2017-01-20)
The purpose of this study was to compare two transvaginal NOTES ovariectomy (OVE) techniques in bitches regarding technical issues, surgical time, complications, as well as plasma cortisol concentration and postoperative ...
Endoscopic Stenting Versus Surgical Gastrojejunostomy for Palliation of Malignat Gastroduodenal Obstruction
(ElsevierGrupo de GastrohepatologíaDenver, Estados Unidos, 2023)