Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
An optimization problem with volume constraint for an inhomogeneous operator with nonstandard growth
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021-06)
We consider an optimization problem with volume constraint for an energy functional associated to an inhomogeneous operator with nonstandard growth. By studying an auxiliary penalized problem, we prove existence and ...
Lipschitz continuity of minimizers in a problem with nonstandard growth
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2020-10)
In this paper we obtain the Lipschitz continuity of nonnegative local minimizers of the functional J(v) = ∫ Ω - F(x; v; ∇v) + (x)νfv>0) dx, under nonstandard growth conditions of the energy function F(x; s; η) and 0 < λmin ...
An extension of a theorem of V. Šverák to variable exponent spaces
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2015-09)
In 1993, V. Šverák proved that if a sequence of uniformly bounded domains Ωn ℝ2 such that Ωn → Ω in the sense of the Hausdorff complementary topology, verify that the number of connected components of its complements are ...
Eigenvalues and minimizers for a non-standard growth non-local operator
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2020-04)
In this article we study eigenvalues and minimizers of a fractional non-standard growth problem. We prove several properties on these quantities and their corresponding eigenfunctions.
Local Bounds, Harnack's Inequality and Hölder Continuity for for divergence type elliptic equations with non-standard growth
(Unión Matemática Argentina, 2015-04)
We obtain a Harnack type inequality for solutions to elliptic equations in divergence form with non-standard p(x)-type growth. A model equation is the inhomogeneous p(x)-Laplacian. Namely, ∆p(x)u := div |∇u| p(x)−2∇u = ...
Clarke duality for Hamiltonian systems with nonstandard growth
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-11)
We consider the existence of periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems with growth conditions involving G-function. We introduce the notion of symplectic G-function and provide relation for the growth of Hamiltonian in ...
Sobolev spaces of symmetric functions and applications
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2011)
The Spb method used to estimate crack extension for coiled tubings fracture toughness tests
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-06)
Coiled tubings are widely used in oil and gas industries. Fracture toughness test of coiled tubing is a challenge. Non-standard specimen has to be used due to its geometrical difficulties, ie small thickness and diameter. ...
Magnetic fractional order orlicz-sobolev spaces
(Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mathematics, 2021-01)
We define the notion of nonlocal magnetic Sobolev spaces with nonstandard growth for Lipschitz magnetic fields. In this context we prove a Bourgain-Brezis- Mironescu type formula for functions in this space as well as for ...
Soluciones numéricas de un modelo sobre la dinámica del VIH con delay usando un esquema de diferencias finitas no estándar
(Facultad de Ciencias BásicasEstadística, 2019)