Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 87
Álgebras de pre-Nichols de dimensión de Gelfand-Kirillov finita
Esta tesis trata sobre la clasificación de las álgebras de pre-Nichols de dimensión de Gelfand-Kirillov finita. Las álgebras de Nichols de tipo diagonal de dimensión finita con diagrama de Dynkin conexo se pueden reagrupar ...
On Nichols algebras over basic Hopf algebras
(Springer, 2020-12-02)
This is a contribution to the classification of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. Concretely, we show that a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra whose Hopf coradical is ...
Algebras de Nichols sobre grupos no abelianosNichols algebras over non-abelian groups
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2010)
Aportes a la clasificación de álgebras de Hopf punteadas de dimensión de Gelfand-Kirillov finita
Esta tesis es un aporte a la clasificación de las álgebras de Hopf punteadas de dimensión de Gelfand-Kirillov finita sobre cuerpos algebraicamente cerrados y de característica cero. En una primera instancia nos concentramos ...
On Nichols algebras of diagonal type
(de Gruyter, 2013-11)
We give an explicit and essentially minimal list of defining relations of a Nichols algebra of diagonal type with finite root system. This list contains the well-known quantum Serre relations but also many new variations. ...
An introduction to Nichols Algebras
(Springer International Publishing, 2018)
Nichols algebras, Hopf algebras in braided categories with distinguishedproperties, were discovered several times. They appeared for the first time in the thesis of W. Nichols [72], aimed to construct new examples of Hopf ...
Quantum function algebras from finite-dimensional Nichols algebras
(European Mathematical Society, 2020-10)
We describe how to find quantum determinants and antipode formulas from braidedvector spaces using the FRT-construction and finite-dimensional Nichols algebras. It improvesthe construction of quantum function algebras using ...
Nichols algebras that are quantum planes
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018-05)
We compute all Nichols algebras of rigid braided vector spaces of dimension 2 that admit a non-trivial quadratic relation.
A presentation by generators and relations of Nichols algebras of diagonal type and convex orders on root systems
(European Mathematical Society, 2015-10-29)
We obtain a presentation by generators and relations of any Nichols algebra of diagonal type with finite root system. We prove that the defining ideal is finitely generated. The proof is based on Kharchenko's theory of PBW ...