Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Music and sounds in the Andean world:Música y sonidos en el mundo andino:
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 2018)
Trinidad, B.W.I.
(A Mike Roberts Color Production, Berkeley, California; Distributed by M.Jolly, St.Augustine, Trinidad., 2009-02-10)
Description on the postcard: “Trinidad, B.W.I. The steel bands like the calypso singing of Trinidad are world famous. The instruments fashioned from tops of steel drums and other discarded pieces are capable of rendering ...
Nazca drumTambor Nazca
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 1982)
Musical and other sound instruments of the South American Indians : a comparative ethnographical study / by Karl Gustav Izikowitz.
(Elanders boktr, 1935.Göteborg, 2022)
Cultural macroevolution of musical instruments in South America
(Springernature, England, 2021)
Musical instruments provide material evidence to study the diversity and technical innovation
of music in space and time. We employed a cultural evolutionary perspective to analyse
organological data and their relation ...
Andean drumsTambores andinos
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 1982)
Arreglo, composición y ejecución de 8 piezas para ensamble moderno basadas en consideraciones sobre música afrodescendienteArrangement, composition and execution of 8 pieces for modern ensemble based on considerations of Afro-descendant music
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABFacultad Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y ArtesPregrado Música, 2020)
El Organo Histórico de la Catedral Vieja de Cuenca Ecuador
Exist in the ancient temple called "Old Cathedral" of the Cuenca city - Azuay
province - Ecuador, an organ installed to 1739, according to an inscription on its
facade, has proceeded to choose it ...