Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 330
Literacidad multimodal en el currículo chileno de lenguaje y comunicación: oportunidades de aprendizaje para la educación básica
(Universidad de Chile, 2023)
© 2023 University of Chile. All rights reserved.This article examines the opportunities to learn about multimodal literacy promoted by the Bases Curriculares (2012) in Language and Communication subject for Chilean elementary ...
Multimodal text and its uses in primary educationEl texto multimodal y sus usos en la educación primaria
(Universidad Finis Terrae, Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Familia, 2022)
What social representations build Chilean university health students on multimedia and multimodal writing?¿Qué representaciones sociales construyen los estudiantes universitarios chilenos del área de la salud sobre la escritura multimedial y multimodal?
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019)
Multimodal and multimedia writing is an incipient area of study, however, it is fundamental to move from the university world to the professional one, especially in the Digital Age. Traditionally, writing is taught from a ...
Multimodal texts and socio-cultural differences: A multimodal study of two hospital homepages
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The multimodal perspective in the study of VLE. The discovery of the obviousLa perspectiva multimodal en el estudio de los EVEA. El descubrimiento de lo obvio
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Faculdad de Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Maestría en Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnología, 2020)
A relação verbo-visual do texto multimodal em tela da criança em aquisição de escrita e em processo de letramento digital.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-09-04)
This research aims to analyze the contributions of digital literacy to the multimodal acquisition of a child's writing from instant messages in the applications: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp Messenger. It is a case study ...
Read, write, touch: Co-construction and multiliteracies in a third-grade digital writing exercise
Many researchers and educators believe that reading and writing instruction needs to change in order to reflect the multimodal, technological, interactive nature of communication today. To date, few studies have examined ...
O papel da escola na formação de leitores
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPedagogia Ead, 2016-06-14)
The great difficulty that the current society faces regarding the inclusion of the individual in literacy motivated us to do this research on reading and writing, with a view, which is the main ...
An analysis of students’ digital multimodal text production in the EFL classroom
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-11)
"The covid-19 pandemic has led to a rapid spread and development of digital technology and an inevitable increase of digital multimodal text production in the English as a Foreign Language classroom. Derived from the ...
Literatura y escritura creativa en clase de E/LE: una propuesta didáctica a partir del cuento Me alquilo para soñar de Gabriel García Márquez
Este trabajo fin de Máster se centra en el uso del cuento literario en la clase
de español como lengua extranjera con aprendientes en contexto de
inmersión de nivel B1-B2.
El presente trabajo se apoya en un marco teórico ...