Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11669
Hybridizing a multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to solve a multi-objective project scheduling problem
(Elsevier, 2012-11)
In this paper, a multi-objective project scheduling problem is addressed. This problem considers two conflicting, priority optimization objectives for project managers. One of these objectives is to minimize the project ...
Solving scheduling problems in a multi-stage multi-product batch pharmaceutical industry
(AIDIC Servizi, 2010-09)
An iterative two-stage decomposition solution strategy for solving real-world scheduling problems in multi-stage multi-product batch plants is presented. The proposed method has as a core a mixed integer mathematical model, ...
Exergy cost assessment of CSP driven multi-generation schemes: Integrating seawater desalination, refrigeration, and process heat plants
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
An exergy cost assessment of integrated solar multi-generation schemes, which includes cogeneration, trigeneration, and polygeneration schemes, for the joint production of electricity, fresh water, cooling, and process ...
Por uma pedagogia de (multi)letramentos: desafios e possibilidades no contexto do ensino fundamental público em língua portuguesa
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilLetrasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em LetrasCentro de Artes e Letras, 2021-05-31)
In this research, we analyzed the (multi)literacies practices of 9th grade students in order to verify the uses of reading and text production in a public-school context. For this, (i) we described the events and practices ...
The histogram Poisson, lab ele d multi-Bernoulli multi-target tracking filter
(Elsevier, 2020)
A Random Finite Set (RFS) based multi-target filter is proposed, which utilizes a labeled Multi-Bernoulli distribution to model the multi-target state, together with a Poisson RFS distribution to model target birth. Referred ...
Transforming multi-role activities in software processes into business processes
(Springer, 2017)
Software processes usually include activities involving severalpeople playing different roles. SPEM provides primitives for defining allthe roles involved in each activity. Software process specification nota-tions are not ...