Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 141
Evolution of an extremum by curvature motion
(Academic Press Inc., 2004)
In this paper we consider the evolution of an isolated extremum of a function under the curvature motion in the plane. We define different notions of circular extrema and show that, immediately after the motion begins, the ...
Existence of a BV solution for a mean curvature equation
We prove the existence of a bounded variation solution for a quasilinear elliptic problem involving the mean curvature operator and a sublinear nonlinearity. We obtain such a solution as the limit of the solutions of another ...
(Juliusz Schauder Ctr Nonlinear StudiesTorunPolónia, 2010)
Multiple solutions for the mean curvature equation
Mean curvature flow and low energy solutions of the parabolic Allen-Cahn equation on the Three-Sphere
In this article, we study eternal solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation in the 3-sphere, in view of the connection between the gradient flow of the associated energy functional, and the mean curvature flow. We construct ...
The Mean Curvature Equation With Oscillating Nonlinearity
(Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2015)
A numerical scheme for the curvature equation near the singularities
In this paper we propose a modification in the usual numerical method for computing the solutions of the curvature equation in the plane . This modification takes place near the singularities of the image. We propose to ...
On the evolution by fractional mean curvature
In this paper we study smooth solutions to a fractional mean curvature flow equation. We establish a comparison principle and consequences such as uniqueness and finite extinction time for compact solutions. We also establish ...