Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 127
Review Of Ferreirós, J; Lassalle Casanave, A. El árbol De Los Números. Editorial Universidad De Sevilla
(UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência, 2016)
Why the Wrongness of Killing Innocents is Not a Universal Moral Certainty
In this paper, I argue that the certainty about the wrongness of killing must not be considered as a universal, but as a local one. Initially, I show that there exist communities in which the wrongness of killing innocents ...
Certainty in Descartes' PhilosophyCertainty in Descartes' PhilosophyCertainty in Descartes' Philosophy
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, 2022)
Adriaan van Roomen y la uranografía : el enlace de las disciplinas matemáticas y de la filosofía en los siglos XVI y XVIIAdriaan van Roomen and the uranography : the link between mathematical disciplines and philosophy in the 16th and 17th Centuries
(Universidad Nacional de QuilmesUniversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2018-10-01)
Las obras astronómicas publicadas en el siglo XVI seguramente pueden ser organizadas según dos características: algunas abordan las cuestiones filosóficas acerca de los cuerpos celestes y otras tratan de los problemas ...
El debate sobre la certeza de las matemáticas en la filosofía natural de los siglos XVI y XVII (De quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum)The debate on the certainty of mathematics in the natural philosophy of the XVI and XVII centuries (De quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum)
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de FilosofíaConocimiento Filosofía Ciencia Historia y SociedadBogotá, Colombia, 2022)
Propuesta de un modelo de evaluación bidimensional en Moodle.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2014)
In this research the model of educational evaluation MEB (Two-Dimensional Model Assessment) which measures the knowledge of students versus degree of certainty was proposed. The analysis of these two dimensions allows the ...
Relationship Between Speed and Time in Running
(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2011-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of using different mathematical models to describe the relationship between treadmill running speed and time to exhaustion. All models generated a value for an aerobic ...
Relationship Between Speed and Time in Running
(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2011-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of using different mathematical models to describe the relationship between treadmill running speed and time to exhaustion. All models generated a value for an aerobic ...
Leitura e Interpretação de Dados Prontos em um Ambiente de Modelagem e Tecnologias Digitais: o mosaico em movimento
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática, 2012-08-01)
Neste artigo, analisamos a leitura e a interpretação de dados prontos coletados por alunos para desenvolverem projetos de modelagem. Consideramos dados prontos as informações coletadas na Internet, como um gráfico ou uma ...