Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 353
Stirring, charging, and picking: hunting tactics of potamotrygonid rays in the upper Paraná River
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2014)
Stirring, charging, and picking: hunting tactics of potamotrygonid rays in the upper Parana River
(Soc Brasileira IctiologiaSao PauloBrasil, 2009)
Stirring, charging, and picking: hunting tactics of potamotrygonid rays in the upper Paraná River
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2009-03-01)
As táticas de caça de raias potamotrigonídeas permanecem sem registro sob condições naturais. Três táticas de forrageamento são aqui descritas para Potamotrygon falkneri e P. motoro, com base em observações subaquáticas ...
Stirring, charging, and picking: hunting tactics of potamotrygonid rays in the upper Paraná River
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2009-03-01)
As táticas de caça de raias potamotrigonídeas permanecem sem registro sob condições naturais. Três táticas de forrageamento são aqui descritas para Potamotrygon falkneri e P. motoro, com base em observações subaquáticas ...
Stirring, charging, and picking: hunting tactics of potamotrygonid rays in the upper Paraná River
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2009)
Coordinated hunting behaviors of mixed-species groups of piscivores and associated species at Isla del Coco National Park (Eastern Tropical Pacific)
Studies of mixed-species groups of animals can reveal emergent complexities of collective behaviors. In this study we collected data on mixed-species hunting groups composed primarily of piscivorous fishes (species ...
Exploring the Role of Pinnipeds in the Human Colonization of the Seascapes of Patagonia and Scandinavia
(Equinox Publishing, 2016)
Pinnipeds (seals) were probably important pull factors for the earliest marine foragers in the seascapes of Patagonia and Scandinavia in the early Holocene. Important reasons for this may be that 1) pinnipeds could be ...