Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3186
Marginal Literature: The Genealogy of a Resistance WritingLiteratura marginal: a genealogia de uma escrita de resistência
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Creative Spaces : Urban culture and marginality in Latin America
This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of the different ways in
which marginal urban spaces have become privileged locations for
creativity in Latin America. At the most basic level creativity can be
defined as ...
Territorial marginality: causes, methods and policies. Introduction to the Special Issue
What are the different factors that make a territory marginal? Are contextual features related to spatial, socio-economic, institutional, or cultural elements differently influencing marginality in different countries? ...
Educational development, an aspect of social marginalization in México,2010, an analysis from the approach of cultural geografphy
(International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2018)
Para una lectura crítica de Daniel Miguez: jóvenes latinoamericanos en contextos urbanos. Análisis de la obra Delito y cultura. Códigos de la ilegalidad en la juventud marginal urbana
(Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2014)
Criminalización de la juventud marginal
Because of the effects of post-modernity and the social and correlative family destructuring, the identity
construction of the individual has been complicated and adolescence has become a stage of life which is
hard to ...
Marginal peripheral anthropophagy echoing from favelasAntropofagia marginal periférica ecoando das favelas
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Marginality and social integration in Uruguay
Within Latin America, Uruguay stands out by its equalitarian income distribution, the solidity of its democratic institutions, and its level of social integration. Over the last decade, however, there have been signs of ...