Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 154
The Journalistic Discourse of Azkintuwe and the Construction of Mapuche Identity Within the Framework of Acceptance / Negation of ModernityEl discurso periodístico de Azkintuwe y la construcción de la identidad mapuche en el marco de la aceptación / negación de la modernidad
(Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2020)
The conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people in national and regional Chilean press (2014-2016)
This is a comparative study that analyzes the issues and the sources usage related to the conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people in El Mercurio, national press, and El Austral de La Araucanía, regional ...
Mapuche Poetry: Self Definitions and Representation of the Chilean Cultures.
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Indigenous Politics and Education in Early to Mid-20th Century Chile: The Role of Mapuche Women and Transnational Conversations
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
Mapuche intellectuals and political activists in early- to mid-20th-century Chile both worked within and subverted dominant modernizing and “civilizing” educational discourses. Mapuche women played an important role in the ...
El conflicto Mapuche en la prensa chilena: Anotaciones teórico- metodológicas para el análisis de los encuadres mediáticosThe mapuche conflict in the chilean press: theoreticalmethodological annotations for media frames analysis
(Universidad de la Frontera, 2020-07)
Este trabajo aporta un planteo teórico-metodológico para detectar y conceptualizar los encuadres del conflicto entre las comunidades Mapuche y el Estado chileno, que quedan plasmadas en las noticias de la prensa gráfica ...
El relato turístico mapuche: identidad, territorio y políticas públicasThe mapuche tourism storytelling: identity, territory and public policies
(Universidad Católica de Temuco, 2023)
Mapuche-Tehuelche Spanish writing and Argentinian-Chilean expansion during the 19th century
(University Cape Town Press, 2011)
Until the collapse of the Spanish Empire, the colonial authorities, both secular and ecclesiastic, systematically introduced the practice of writing among the Mapuche and Tehuelche peoples in the extreme south of South ...
Interculturality and social representation: The Araucanía conflict in the Chilean press. Melinao and Luchsinger-Mackay cases
(Universidad Compultense Madrid, 2020-10-29)
The purpose of this research is to reveal the differences in the treatment and informative coverage regarding the cases Luchsinger-Mackay (murder of large landowners) and Melinao (murder of Mapuche community member), events ...
Early industrial innovations, entrepeneurs, literate women and Mapuche merchants in the Concepción and Araucanía border. El Correo del Sur 1849-1865Innovaciones industriales tempranas, empresarios, mujeres letradas y comerciantes mapuche en la frontera de Concepción y la Araucanía. El Correo del Sur 1849-1865
(Sección Etnohistoria, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. FFyL, UBA, 2022)