Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 41975
Document management in the Brazilian Public Heath Administration: An analysis from the perspective of Primary Health Care managersGestão Documental na Administração Pública em Saúde Brasileira: uma análise sob o ponto de vista dos gestores da Atenção Básica
The document management processes and their presence in the work practices of the managers of family health units in Brazil are analysed. A research of qualitative nature was developed, characterized as descriptive and ...
The documents production study and organizational memory in business environments
(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, Fac Biblioteconomia & Comunicacao, 2017-01-01)
The study of document production allows the archivist to understand which functions and activities are materialized in documents. It is through this study that the document management begins, also enabling the implementation ...
Document management practices in SMEs: An information management capability-based approach
(Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Document management in the Brazilian Public Heath Administration: an analysis from the perspective of Primary Health Care managers
(Ibersid Network, 2020-01-01)
The document management processes and their presence in the work practices of the managers of family health units in Brazil are analysed. A research of qualitative nature was developed, characterized as descriptive and ...
Diseño de un sistema de gestión documental en la alcaldía de Cartagena de Indias
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Maestría en Gestión Documental y Administración de Archivos, 2018)
A gestão documental na prefeitura de Palmeira das Missões
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2014-12-05)
Undeniably the role of archives in municipal administrations in view of its importance for the provision of services to citizens and decision making by municipal managers. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the prism ...
Modelo metodológico del sistema integrado de gestión para una pyme del sector farmacéutico estudio de caso
(Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Sistemas de Información, Bibliotecología y Archivística, 2020)