Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Honing physical organization as a path to refined musicianship
(PPGM-UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2022)
A Whole Brain EEG Analysis of Musicianship
The neural activation patterns provoked in response to music listening can reveal whether a subject did or did not receive music training. In the current exploratory study, we have approached this two-group (musicians and ...
A Whole Brain EEG Analysis of Musicianship
The neural activation patterns provoked in response to music listening can reveal whether a subject did or did not receive music training. In the current exploratory study, we have approached this two-group (musicians and ...
Music improvisation enhances neutral verbal and visual memory in musicians and non-musicians alike
(Elsevier, 2021-09)
Music is a complex activity with great cognitive potential. A specific type of research involves the use of focal music-based interventions implemented only once before, during, or after a task to improve cognitive ...
As guitarradas paraenses: um olhar sobre música, musicalidade e experiência culturalThe guitarradas from Pará: a look over music, musicianship and cultural experience
(Universidade Federal da BahiaBrasilUFBA, 2022)
... And Each Band Should Be Proud of Their Efforts
(Daily Express, 12-Feb-83)
The editorial states that the 11 steelbands who made it to the finals should not be heartbroken if the top prize does not come their way. Over the competition days, these bands have given the public a high standard of ...
Elementos de religiosidade católica na música para piano de Almeida Prado
(Escola de MúsicaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em MúsicaUFBABrasil, 2017-07-24)
Este trabalho busca investigar o repertório para piano com referências religiosas católicas, em especial, a música composta por José Antônio Rezende de Almeida Prado (1943-2010). Para tanto, buscou-se a familiarização com ...
Over to You, Arnim Smith
(Express, 17-Oct-86)
The article reviews the staging of "Pan Rising - Pan is Beautiful 4" Steelband Music Festival which was held by Pan Trinbago and associate sponsors - the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago and Kirpalani's Ltd. While the ...
Educação musical e ensino de piano: estratégias para o desenvolvimento de aulas de instrumento em grupo
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNLicenciatura em Música, 2014)
This paper is a result of my questions regarding the methodologies of teaching piano
developed in my early years of study, as well in my experience as a teacher. Therefore it
presents the ...
Fritz Jank : pioneirismo brasileiro na arte de acompanhar
([s.n.], 1999)