Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Multiloop algebras, iterated loop algebras and extended affine Lie algebras of nullity 2
(European Mathematical Society, 2014-01)
Let M(n) be the class of all multiloop algebras of finite dimensional simple Lie algebras relative to n-tuples of commuting finite order automorphisms. It is a classical result that M(n) the class of all derived algebras ...
Standard cocycles: Variations on themes of C. Kassel's and R. Wilson's
(De Gruyter, 2017-11)
Central extensions of Lie algebras can be understood and classified by means of 2-cocycles. The Lie algebras we are interested in are "twisted forms" (defined by Galois descent) of algebras of the form g⊗ kR with g split ...
A classification of torsors over Laurent polynomial rings
(European Mathematical Society, 2017-04)
LetRn be the ring of Laurent polynomials in n variables over a field k of characteristic zero and letKn be its fraction field. Given a linear algebraic κ-groupG,we showthat aKn-torsor under G which is unramified with respect ...
Torsors, reductive group schemes and extended affine Lie algebras
(American Mathematical Society, 2013-11)
We give a detailed description of the torsors that correspond to multiloop algebras. These algebras are twisted forms of simple Lie algebras extended over Laurent polynomial rings. They play a crucial role in the construction ...
Etale descent of derivations
(Springer, 2013-10)
We study étale descent of derivations of algebras with values in a module. The algebras under consideration are twisted forms of algebras over rings, and apply to all classes of algebras, notably associative and Lie algebras, ...
Differentials for Lie algebras
(Springer, 2015-08)
We develop a theory of relative Kähler differentials for Lie algebras. The main result is that the functor of relative differentials is representable, and that the universal object which represents it behaves properly with ...
Invariant bilinear forms of algebras given by faithfully flat descent
(World Scientific, 2015-04)
The existence of nondegenerate invariant bilinear forms is one of the most important tools in the study of Kac-Moody Lie algebras and extended affine Lie algebras. In practice, these forms are created, or shown to exist, ...
Separação Submarina Oleo/CO2 : concepção tecnológica, modelagem e controle avançado
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilInstituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de EngenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia QuímicaUFRJ, 2020)