Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 759
Convergence to the Mean Field Game Limit: A Case Study
(Inst Mathematical Statistics, 2020)
We study the convergence of Nash equilibria in a game of optimal stopping. If the associated mean field game has a unique equilibrium, any sequence of n-player equilibria converges to it as n -> infinity. However, both the ...
Regularity of Mean-Field Games : an introduction
Mean-field games, introduzido numa perspectiva de equações diferenciais parciais por Lions e Lasry, modelam situações com um grande número de agentes considerado um contínuo. O estudo da regularidade de funções é observar ...
Optimal execution problem: a mean field game and fictitious play study
In this work we present the main ideas of the optimal execution problem and a couple of different approaches for its modelling. We focus on the Mean-Field Game approach, and observe how restrictive it can be as we only can ...
Evolutionary Game Theory in Mixed Strategies: From Microscopic Interactions to Kinetic Equations
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021-01)
In this work we propose a kinetic formulation for evolutionary game theory for zero sum games when the agents use mixed strategies. We start with a simple adaptive rule, where after an encounter each agent increases by a ...
Aprendizado tangencial e gameflow nos jogos digitais: estratégias para o desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais engajadores
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-05-20)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar, por meio de uma pesquisa-ação, as estratégias de design de jogos capazes de gerar experiências engajadoras que possam ser traduzidas ao contexto educacional por meio de métodos ...
Programa de Seminario: Mean Field Games
(Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Facultad de Ciencias. Comisión de Carrera Matemática, 2022)
No se dispone de información.
A mean-field game model of economic growth : an essay in regularity theory
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGMCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-12-20)
In this thesis, we present a priori estimates for solutions of a mean-field game (MFG) defined
over a bounded domain Ω ⊂ ℝd. We propose an application of these results to a model of capital
and wealth accumulation.
In ...
Toolbox creativo para el Game Design de un videojuego independiente
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-03-30)
This final master's project begins with the question: How can design and art direction tools be transferred to the field of video games to facilitate its development? Concern that contemplates exploring areas of game design ...