Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6136
Encontro Internacional da Arte de Medellín 2011, MDE11: arte contemporânea e formação cidadãEncuentro Internacional de Arte de Medellín 2011, MDE11: arte contemporáneo y formación de ciudadaníaInternational Art Meeting of Medellín 2011, MDE11: contemporary art and citizen formation
(Editora da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, 2020)
General purpose MDE tools
MDE paradigm promises to release developers from writing code. The basis of this paradigm consists in working at such a level of abstraction that will make it easyer for analysts to detail the project to be undertaken. ...
Comparación de algoritmos de interpolación para la generación de MDE en la ciudad de Bogotá utilizando puntos geodésicos
En este trabajo se generan varios modelos digitales de elevación (MDE) a través de distintos métodos de interpolación utilizando la posición y altura de un conjunto de puntos geodésicos distribuidos en la ciudad de Bogotá ...
Automatización del desarrollo de aplicaciones web mediante el enfoque mda-mde
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015)
Developing a Business Application with BPM and MDE
In this paper we have designed an architecture for
the generation of a business application, that allows to business
users to adapt their processes to the constant change. At the
moment all the architectures based to a ...
MDE-S: A Case Study of the Health Company Diagnostic Method Applied in Three Health Units
The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of organizational maturity in three Emergency Care Units (a.k.a. UPA in Brazilian acronym) in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo - Brazil, with the ...
Automated code generation support for BI with MDA TALISMAN
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is gaining ever
more strength due to the fact that with MDE the software
development can be much more productive and this is the way to
go closer to real software industrialization. With ...