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Ficha de Inscripción - Maestría en Migración, Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas (II Cohorte)
Ficha de Inscripción - Maestría en Migración, Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas (II Cohorte)
Solicitud de admisión - Maestría en Migración, Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas (II Cohorte)
Solicitud de admisión - Maestría en Migración, Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas (II Cohorte)
Análisis del proceso de integración de la comunidad peruana en el cantón Paute
This analysis showed various factors in the Peruvian migration process, as their motivations, those who influenced the development and access to services, to accepting and welcoming community and discriminatory elements ...
Normativa y Políticas Públicas sobre Inmigración Extranjera en la ciudad de Cuenca Ecuador a partir de la Constitución de 2008
The city of Cuenca, as in the rest of Ecuador have arrived foreign immigrants of various nationalities, the situation of human mobility including foreign immigration has been regulated with a rights approach in the ...
Niñez migrante no acompañada y la política migratoria en el cantón Cuenca
The objective of this research was to demonstrate the violation of rights suffered by migrant children not accompanied by Cuenca, through the case study, which is verified as emblematic in society; and that allows to know ...
La migración indocumentada y su influencia en los proyectos de vida de adolescentes: estudio de casos en comunidades transnacionales de la provincia de Cañar
In this document a study is presented which seeks to understand the influence of undocumented migration on life projects of adolescents in the Cañar province.
The generation of migrants who left Ecuador in the crisis of ...
La migración norte-sur. Inmigrantes norteamericanos jubilados, documentados, domiciliados en la parroquia San Sebastián
Current reality shows that migratory flows are changing drastically in a globalized world. In this context, reviewing new migratory theories will allow us to understand the new form of North - South human mobility that ...
Análisis de políticas públicas ecuatorianas vigentes en materia de búsqueda de personas migrantes desaparecidas: casos reportados en la Coordinación Zonal 6 del Ministerio de Relaciones y Movilidad Humana
The present research pretends to analyze the "Protocol of action for the search, investigation and location of missing persons" implemented by Ecuadorian Government: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Ministry ...
El impacto de la migración en la obra creadora de los artistas de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período 2009-2014
The present study to analyze the impact that migration has had on the artistic creation of the artists of the city of Cuenca; And for that purpose, the study has been developed considering two important elements: the ...