Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 21
Rotationally symmetric solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation
(Southwest Missouri State University, 2017)
This paper is devoted to construction of new solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation in ℝd. Staring from the Delaunay unduloid Dô with parameter τ ∈ (0, τ∗) we find for each sufficiently small ε a solution u of this equation ...
Multiple Delaunay ends solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)
Let Sigma be a surface of constant mean curvature in R-3 with multiple Delaunay ends. Assuming that Sigma is non degenerate in this paper we construct new solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation epsilon Delta u + epsilon(-1)u(1 ...
Piecewise smooth dynamical systems: Persistence of periodic solutions and normal forms
We consider an n-dimensional piecewise smooth vector field with two zones separated by a hyperplane σ which admits an invariant hyperplane Ω transversal to σ containing a period annulus A fulfilled by crossing periodic ...
Super-position of spikes for a slightly super-critical elliptic equation in R-N
We prove existence of radial positive solutions for the equation
Multiplicidad de soluciones para ecuaciones tipo Yamabe en variedadesMultiplicity of solutions for Yamabe-type equations on manifolds
Sea (M, g) una variedad riemanniana cerrada de dimensión n. El problema de Yamabe radica en encontrar una métrica conforme a g con curvatura escalar constante. Se sabe que la respuesta es sı́, y fue probado por Yamabe,Trudinger, ...
Solutions with multiple catenoidal ends to the Allen–Cahn equation in R3
(Elsevier, 2015)
We consider the Allen–Cahnequation Δu+u(1−u2)=0inR3.
We construct two classes of axially symmetric solutions u=u(|x |,x3)suchthat the (multiple) components of the zero set look for large |x |like catenoids, namely|x3|∼Alog|x ...
Delaunay solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equations
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
En esta tesis doctoral se construyen soluciones rotacionalmente simétricas de la ecuación de Cahn-Hilliard en $ \R{^d} $ y se estudian sus propiedades de estabilidad.
En el Capítulo \ref{ch1} se presenta la ecuación de ...
(Amer Inst Mathematical SciencesSpringfieldEUA, 2013)