Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1213
World cultural heritage, territory and construction of citizenship. The social construction and appropriation of the world cultural heritage of Valparaíso city
The historic neighborhood to Valparaiso city was declared heritage of humanity in July 2nd 2003. Since then the city has achieved unusual social interest, so much so that this title seems to define a before and after in ...
World cultural heritage, territory and construction of citizenship. The social construction and appropriation of the world cultural heritage of Valparaíso city
The historic neighborhood to Valparaiso city was declared heritage of humanity in July 2nd 2003. Since then the city has achieved unusual social interest, so much so that this title seems to define a before and after in ...
Patrimônio cultural e nova história indígena nas terras baixas da América do Sul: os Guarani MBYA entre Clio, Cronos e Mnemosine
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2009-06-05)
This study is inscribed in the confluence of the research fields of cultural heritage and a “new” Indian History, focusing on the coming up and the interest of the Guarani Mbya about the heritage and cultural heritage of ...
Living Next to the Bodies of the Dead: Sense of Ancestry Through Dark Heritage in Quillagua, Atacama Desert, Chile
This article addresses the relationship between heritage and ancestry. It aims to understand the manner in which human remains from different periods and cultures become relevant symbols for a community. The territory of ...
Relevancia de los aspectos religiosos y espirituales como componentes del patrimonio inmaterialRelevance of religious and spiritual aspects as components of intangible heritage
(Córdoba: Asociación de Investigación y Estudios del Sector Turístico, 2015)
Perceptions about cultural heritage and recreational sites among older adults in Bahia Blanca, Argentina
(Emerald, 2017-01)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report on a study that was done among older adults in the city of Bahia Blanca, Argentina regarding their awareness and use of cultural heritage and commercial recreational sites. ...
Searching paradise
According to Alvar Aalto, raising the quality of life did not lie in technical and economic capabilities but in the creative work of architects, whose “houses are built where people can lead happy lives,” and only reachable ...
The past as a lived space: Heritage places, re-emergent aesthetics, and hopeful practices in NW Argentina
(Sage Publications, 2013-06)
This article explores the past as a lived, inhabited reality through a series of examples of indigenous heritage practices in NW Argentina (NWA), a region that in recent decades has seen increasing indigenous demands for ...
Patrimônio histórico arquitetônico e urbanístico de Diamantina-MG: paisagem e lugar pela vivência dos insiders
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilIGC - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOGRAFIAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em GeografiaUFMG, 2021-05-18)
Diamantina's heritage “landscape and place through the experience of insiders” will be
our field of analysis based on the categories already mentioned and through discussions
involving the themes of memory, heritage and ...