Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 245
Linguistic ecology and its features in media: TV channel examples
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
An anthropological linguistic study on Maccera’ Bulung ritual
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Language in local spaces: Using linguistic landscape (LL) to design culturally relevant curricula in Caribbean Creole environments [PowerPoint presentation]
Linguistic landscape (LL) is an emerging multi-disciplinary field that focuses on the significance of words, images and other artifacts represented and displayed in public spaces (Shohamyand Gorter, 2009). Such instances ...
Systemic functional grammar as a tool for experimental stimulus design: New appliable horizons in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
(Elsevier, 2019-09)
Since their onset more than 50 years ago, both psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics have provided crucial breakthroughs for understanding the cognitive bases of language. Despite their major contributions, however, both ...
K. S. Singh. An anthropological atlas : ecology and cultural traits, languages and linguistic traits, demographic and biological traits. Delhi : Anthropological Survey of India ; Oxford University Press, 1993. (People of India National Series ; v. 11)
(El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, 2012)
Discourse-level information recall in early and late bilinguals: Evidence from single-language and cross-linguistic tasks
(Frontiers Media, 2021-10)
Bilingualism research indicates that verbal memory skills are sensitive to age of second language (L2) acquisition (AoA). However, most tasks employ disconnected, decontextualized stimuli, undermining ecological validity. ...
Ecopropaganda: estratégias discursivas em posts de Facebook.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-04-15)
The primary concern of this research is to examine ecopropaganda discourse in fanpage posts of the social network Facebook, whose responsible companies have a sustainable history, and verify the elements that characterize ...
Inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes del colegio reina del Santísimo Rosario de Chincha
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar los tipos de inteligencias que presentan los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Reina del Santísimo Rosario de Chincha. El estudio es tipo no experimental, ...
Greengo dictionary: uma análise sobre a perspectiva da análise do discurso digital e breves contribuições para os estudos em linguística popular
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosLinguística - Ling, 2022-04-29)
This paper analyzes the discursive functioning of the Greengo Dictionary profile on
the social network Instagram. Moreover, it aims to demonstrate which elements
constitute the so-called techno-discourses contained in ...