Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
The boson-fermion correspondence from linear ODEs
(Elsevier B.V., 2015)
A stiff non-linear ODE simulation of a batch/continuous plant using matlab/simulink
(Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional, 2003-11)
A sugarhouse is one stage in the production of beet sugar. The purpose of the sugarhouse is to crystallize and separate sugar from the thick juice obtained in previous stages. These crystallization and separation processes ...
On a Hartman linearization theorem for a class of ODE with impulse effect
(Elsevier Science Ltd, 1999)
Hartman's linearization theorem for ordinary differential equations states that a 1:1 correspondence exists between solutions of a linear autonomous system and those of a perturbed system as long as the perturbation term ...
A note on a system with radiation boundary conditions with non-symmetric linearisation
(Springer Wien, 2018-08)
We prove the existence of multiple solutions for a second order ODE system under radiation boundary conditions. The proof is based on the degree computation of I- K, where K is an appropriate fixed point operator. Under a ...
Uma abordagem algébrica para solução de EDO’s lineares com coeficientes constantes
(Pós-Graduação em MatemáticaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), 2023)
Construção exata de sólitons de Hopf
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2007-07-27)
ur object of study are classical field theories which possesses topological solitons and have a infnite number of conserved quantities .In particular our models have what is know as Hopf charge. This charge appears because, ...
Initial values for Riccati ODEs from variational PDEs
(Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2011-02)
The recently discovered variational PDEs (partial differential equations) for finding missing boundary conditions in Hamilton equations of optimal control are applied to the extended-space transformation of time-variant ...
Construção exata de sólitons de Hopf
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)
Construção exata de sólitons de Hopf
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN Enrique Guzmán y Valle Alma Máter del Magisterio Nacional FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS Escuela Profesional de Matemática e Informática ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES ORDINARIAS DE SEGUNDO ORDEN Y EL PROBLEMA DE CAUCHY Ecuaciones diferenciales de 2do. orden con coeficiente constantes. Ecuaciones diferenciales de 2do orden con coeficientes variables. Variación de parámetros Wronskiano. Método de coeficientes indeterminados. Transformada de Laplace y sus aplicaciones en la resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales. Punto fijo. Funciones lipschitzianas. El problema de Cauchy. Existencia y unicidad del problema de Cauchy. Aplicaciones
(Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y VallePE, 2021-12-02)
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue en esta investigación se habla de lo más elemental de las ecuaciones diferenciales
ordinarias, aquellas que dependen de una sola variable independiente; las ecuaciones
d ...