Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 251
Experiences of access to justice for persons deprived of liberty in Ecuador
The Ecuadorian prison system has conditions that denotes a questionable validity of rights for inmates. In this context, access to justice (ATJ) is one of the most important rights to guarantee ...
Post-emergent applications of isolated and combined herbicides on corn culture with cp4-epsps and pat genes
For optimum yield, it is necessary to incorporate a good weed control into the system. This study aimed to determine the effects of a post-emergent application of different herbicides (individually and combined) on corn ...
Growth and Development of Soybean Plants with the Pat Gene under different Glufosinate Rates
The pat gene confers tolerance to glufosinate in transgenic soybean plants; however, some aspects of the selectivity of this herbicide need to be better elucidated. This study aimed to evaluate the development of soybean ...
Medidas socioeducativas de privação de liberdade no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática de literaturaSocioeducational measures of deprivation of liberty in Brazil: a systematic literature review
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, 2019)
Sujeito e liberdade no pensamento de Michel Foucault
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FilosofiaMetafísica, 2012-03-16)
The leitmotif of this dissertation research is on the relationship between two fields of questioning in the Foucauldian works that may be considered, at a first glance, irreconcilable: the understanding of subject as the ...
Transformaciones de la dinámica familiar de las mujeres condenadas y privadas de libertad en Colombia
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2021)
El presente estudio titulado “Transformaciones de la dinámica familiar de las mujeres condenadas y privadas de libertad en Colombia”, aborda la problemática psicosocial e institucional generada a partir de la privación de ...
Garantías legales y constitucionales para proteger el vínculo afectivo de los niños y niñas cuando la madre se encuentra privada de la libertad
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2015)
Security in cyberspace: dynamics, limits, and opportunities: a workshop report
(FGV Direito SPHIIGUFRGSUFSC, 2020-07)
This is the report of the workshop "Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits, and opportunities", held on the 14th of May 2020 and jointly organized by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the Federal ...
The Idea of Liberty in the Fichtean Natural Right
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019-05-27)
En este trabajo se discute la interpretación de Isaiah Berlin de la filosofía política fichteana en términos de un organicismo. Esta interpretación muestra que las libertades individuales juegan un rol fundamental en la ...