Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 786
Novel Agent Based-approach for Industrial Diagnosis: A Combined use Between Case-based Reasoning and Similarity Measure
In spunlace nonwovens industry, the maintenance task is very complex, it requires experts and operators collaboration. In this paper, we propose a new approach integrating an agent- based modelling with case-based reasoning ...
Análisis del acuerdo de sala plena Nº 02-2018/TCE: sobre la configuración de la infracción por presentación de información inexactaAnalysis of the leading case agreement N° 02-2018/TCE: concerning the infringement committed for filing inaccurate information
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2020)
Acordos administrativos e o TCU: os limites ao controle externo sobre os acordos substitutivos de sanção
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilDIREITO - FACULDADE DE DIREITOCurso de Especialização em DireitoUFMG, 2021-09-09)
When analyzed by the TCU the Representation procedure (Rule No. 2121/2017) instituted to investigate possible irregularities in the potential execution of Conduct Adjustment Commitment Terms (TAC) by the National ...
The Intersectoral Cascade: a Case Study on Perceived Conflict in Implementing Child Development Systems
This article presents a case study on perceived conflict and its outcomes on implementing a system of programs and services for child development support. A multi-level collaboration model is used to deeply examine aspects ...
An Empirical Analysis of the Social and Ecological Outcomes of State Subsidies for Small-Scale Fisheries: A Case Study from Chile
(MDPI AG, 2011)
Small-scale fisheries, which are often associated with low levels of income and poor infrastructure, receive substantial funding from governmental institutions worldwide. Very few empirical studies have explored the outcomes ...
The Conditions of Governance for the Implementation of the Nationalally Determined Contributions: The case of PeruLas condiciones de gobernanza para la implementación de las contribuciones nacionalmente determinadas: El caso del Perú
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2018)
Argumento, argumentação e auditório universal: a nova retórica de Perelman
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFilosofiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2009-08-19)
This dissertation presents the bases on which Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca settled their Traité de l'argumentation: la nouvelle rhétorique [The new rhetoric: a treatise on argumentation], in the restructuring ...
Ex-ante Agreements and FRAND Commitments in a Repeated Game of Standard-Setting Organizations
I study licensing and technology choice in standard setting. I find that there may be inefficient adoption of technologies, even when firms commit to a maximum royalty or price cap for the use of their patents. When firms ...
Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in adult community-acquired pneumonia by PCR and serology
(Society for General Microbiology, 2008)
Diagnosis of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae in adults is hampered by a lack of rapid and standardized tests for detection. This prospective study was conducted to compare the diagnostic values of an indirect ...