Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13681
A implementa????o da Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o (LAI) na Universidade Federal da Bahia
(Escola de Administra????o da Universidade Federal da BahiaEAUFBAbrasil, 2015-03-20)
Laws and Emerging Technologies
New technologies and so-called communication and information technologies are transforming our society, the way in which we relate to each other, and the way we understand the world. By a wider extension, they are also ...
Information as a subject in law and in information science: A comparative study based on the Brazilian realityA informação como assunto no direito e na ciência da informação: Um estudo comparativo a partir da realidade brasileira
This paper seeks to delineate the extent to which the concept of information is presented in the areas of Law and Information Science in Brazil, seeking to identify descriptive features in their convergent and complementary ...
Information as a subject in law and in information science: a comparative study based on the Brazilian reality
(Univ Zaragoza, 2018-01-01)
This paper seeks to delineate the extent to which the concept of information is presented in the areas of Law and Information Science in Brazil, seeking to identify descriptive features in their convergent and complementary ...
The Law in the Information and Risk Society
he information and risk society poses a new challenge for the law in all its fragments. Modern media communication and technologies increase people’s prosperity while stating new risks with not uncommonly devastating ...
O estudo da implementação da LAI nos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul com mais de 150.000 habitantes
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2014-11-29)
This monograph examines how the law on access to information, the LAI was implemented in the municipalities in RS with more than 150,000 inhabitants. Makes a study on LAI, examines information access in Brazil and the ...
Access to information as an ethical value in knowledge organization: dialogues between scientific literature and normative sources in the Brazilian perspective
(Univ Brasilia, Dept Ciencia Informacao, 2020-05-01)
Information access in a fast, transparent and accurate way is one of the main objectives of information units, implying an ethical dimension that makes this objective identified as a moral value in the activities of Knowledge ...
Limits of Freedom of Information Act in Brazil: theoretical reflections in the sphere of information science
(Univ Federal Minas Gerais, Escola Biblioteconomia, 2020-06-01)
This paper aims to verify the applicability of the Freedom of Information Act (LAI) in Brazil. We conducted a comparative analysis of the proposal of the Law and its applicability by public organisms. We worked with the ...
Use of access to information law in the process of competitive intelligence in the context of the private health in brasil: An analysis in sulamerica insuranceEl uso de la ley de acceso a la información en el procedimiento de inteligencia competitiva en el contexto de la salud privada en brasil: Un análisis de sulamérica segurosO uso da lei de acesso à informação no processo de inteligência competitiva no contexto da saúde privada no brasil: Uma análise na sulamérica seguros
The use of information and knowledge is essential for the competitive intelligence process occurs in enterprise environments. It is considered that with the enactment of Law 12.527 – Information Access Law, new perspectives ...
The information-gathering matrix: a framework for conceptualizing the use of freedom of information laws
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2018)
Scholarship on transparency and freedom of information (FOI) conveys an overwhelmingly “political” narrative. Most uses of FOI, however, are private and nonpolitical in nature. This article explores the gap between the ...