Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3620
Vocabulary animal body parts
Vocabulary animal body parts
Diversas formas de lenguaje de la comunicación
Diversity of communication language
Written language: The skill to write will be useful to express ideas, sensations and
Oral language: It is through oral speech it allows and immediately feedback
between the ...
At the doctor´s office
The vocabulary will help to students to describe health
problems, symptoms of illiness using parts of the
body to express apologize and thanks. Also
students will be able to identify appropiate social
language to ...
The bakhtinian notions of language and utterance
(Editora Univ Pontificia Univ Catolica Rio Grande Sul-edipucrs, 2021-09-01)
In this article, the propose is to reflect about the relation between utternace and language presented in Bakhtin Circle's philosophical thinking. The objectives are: a) to comprehend how the group of Russian philosophers ...
Raising a novice teacher´s body language through the rassias method
“Teaching english as a second language encompasses aspects that may help to maximize students’ engagement and their potential to learn. In order to meet students’ needs it may be necessary to incorporate considerations ...
Language clinic effects in cases of subjects with cerebral palsy
(Univ Federal Minas Gerais, Fac Letras, 2018-01-01)
This article stems from the thesis Organism and subject: a sensitive difference in cerebral palsies (VASCONCELLOS, 2010) theoretically based on the Brazilian Interactionism (DE LEMOS, 1992, 2002, 2006, 2007 among others) ...
Múltiplas infâncias e a linguagem corporal de bebês
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus SorocabaPedagogia - PedL-So, 2021-11-24)
The present work approaches aspects related to multiple childhoods and baby's body language. It arose from the need to understand the different ways of being a baby and how babies use body language to communicate. To achieve ...
Teletandem and telepresence: Rethinking the cultural component in language teaching and language teacher education
This articles discusses some of the results of a qualitative ethnographic research on foreign language teacher's conceptions of culture in an extension course for continuing education in the virtual collaborative learning ...
Pensar o corpo outramente: corpo e linguagem no itinerário de Emmanuel Levinas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia - PPGFilCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-05-14)
This work investigates the problem of body and language in Emmanuel Levina’s philosophy. Therefore, we sought to reconstruct the Levinasian thought about the body, which goes from existence to essence and from essence to ...