Body language as a teaching resource in the EFL classroom
López Barros, Gabriela
Verdugo Lazo, Jorge Eduardo
Body Language is expressing a certain meaning in a kind of silent language by its elements such as eye contact, gestures, posture, smile, movements, and expressions which are important media through which people communicate with each other. In the EFL process, teachers can use the body to create a vivid, confidential, and realistic atmosphere in the classroom, and realize how body language plays a constructive role in educating the students' characters. Our body movements are expressing how we feel by the way we sit, stand, move, etc, rather than by words. Our bodies send out messages constantly, and often we don't recognize that we're communicating a lot more than we realize. Foreign language teachers should be able to perform and dance for joy, make a passionate gesture, movement, and countenance as an actor; should not always be a lady or a gentleman or just stand on the platform thinking that simply teachers have the reason. If the teacher can use Body Language appropriately, accurately, and proficiently to assist the teaching process in the classroom, it can not only draw the students attention and bring up their study interest, but also enable them to develop accurate understanding of language contents, and make them build their knowledge by themselves consciously. Lastly, Eyesight, Countenance, Gesture, and Manner are the four key attributes of Non-verbal communication. Body Language will help determine whether the teachers successfully gain and hold the students interest Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Cuenca