Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 229
Luteal leukocytes are modulators of the steroidogenic process of human mid-luteal cells
(Oxford University Press, 1998)
Flow cytometry analysis of luteal cells revealed that an important proportion of these cells are leukocytes. The percentage of leukocytes was higher in the early (42 ± 4) and late (35 ± 3) luteal phases than in the mid-luteal ...
Morpho-functional study of human luteal cell subpopulations
(Oxford University Press, 1994)
It has been reported that the mammalian corpus luteum is composed mainly of two subpopulations of luteal cells (large and small) of different morphology and function. The aims of this study were first to characterize ...
Differential steroidogenic response of human luteal cell subpopulations
(Oxford University, 1996)
The differentia] capacity for steroid synthesis of human
luteal cell subpopulations was investigated in a well defined
cell culture system. Corpora lutea were enzymatically
dissociated, and the two cell types were ...
Steroidogenic capacity and oxidative stress-related parameters in human luteal cell regression
The steroidogenic capacity and oxidative stress-related parameters of the human corpus luteum (CL) at different stages of the luteal phase were studied under basal and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-stimulated conditions. ...
Effects of concanavalin A on the progesterone production by bovine steroidogenic luteal cells in vitro
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of concanavalin A (CONA) on the progesterone (P4) production by bovine steroidogenic luteal cells (LCs) in vitro. Luteal cells were collected during the mid-luteal stage ...
Functional luteolysis in response to hydrogen peroxide in human luteal cells
(BioScientifica Ltd., 1995)
To evaluate the effect of reactive oxygen species in human corpus luteum function, we investigated whether hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) affects the in vitro luteal cell production of steroids. H2O2 treatment (1.0-100 μM) of ...
Partial luteolysis during early diestrus in cattle downregulates VEGFA expression and reduces large luteal cell and corpus luteum sizes and plasma progesterone concentration
Our objectives were to investigate potential changes in the size of steroidogenic large luteal cells (LLC) during partial luteolysis induced by a sub-dose of cloprostenol in early diestrus and to determine transcriptional ...
Embryotrophic effect of a short-term embryo coculture with bovine luteal cells
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2018-10)
The coculture with somatic cells is an alternative to improve suboptimal in vitro culture (IVC) conditions and promote embryo development. Several cell types have been used for this purpose, but there is no information ...
Cultivo de células luteales porcinas como sustrato para la maduración in vitro de complejos cumulus ovocito porcinos: Establecimiento y caracterizaciónCulture of porcine luteal cells as a substrate for in vitro maturation of porcine cumulus oocyte complexes: Establishment and characterization
(Asociación Peruana de Reproducción Animal, 2016-12)
El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer y caracterizar el cultivo de células luteales porcinas (CLP) para el posterior cocultivo de COC porcinos con el fin de promover la maduración ovocitaria. Para el establecimiento ...
Coculture of porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes with porcine luteal cells during IVM: Effect on oocyte maturation and embryo development
(Csiro Publishing, 2020-11)
Coculture with somatic cells is an alternative to improve suboptimal in vitro culture conditions. In pigs, IVF is related to poor male pronuclear formation and high rates of polyspermy. The aim of this study was to assess ...