Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58
Spectral uniqueness of bi-invariant metrics on symplectic groups
(Birkhauser Boston Inc, 2019-12)
In this short note, we prove that a bi-invariant Riemannian metric on Sp(n) is uniquely determined by the spectrum of its Laplace–Beltrami operator within the class of left-invariant metrics on Sp(n). In other words, on ...
Invariant solutions to the conformal Killing–Yano equation on Lie groups
We search for invariant solutions of the conformal Killing–Yano equation on Lie groups equipped with left invariant Riemannian metrics, focusing on 2-forms. We show that when the Lie group is compact equipped with a ...
The left invariant metric in the general linear group
(Elsevier Science, 2014-12)
Left invariant metrics induced by the p-norms of the trace in the matrix algebra are studied on the general linear group. By means of the Euler–Lagrange equations, existence and uniqueness of extremal paths for the length ...
Invariant solutions to the conformal Killing-Yano equation on Lie groups
(Elsevier Science, 2015-08)
We search for invariant solutions of the conformal Killing-Yano equation on Lie groups equipped with left invariant Riemannian metrics, focusing on 2-forms. We show that when the Lie group is compact equipped with a ...
On the smallest Laplace eigenvalue for naturally reductive metrics on compact simple Lie groups
(American Mathematical Society, 2020-03)
Eldredge, Gordina and Saloff-Coste recently conjectured that, for a given compact connected Lie group $G$, there is a positive real number $C$ such that $\lambda_1(G,g)\operatorname{diam}(G,g)^2\leq C$ for all left-invariant ...
Riemannian metrics on an infinite dimensional symplectic group
(Elsevier, 2015-03)
The aim of this paper is the geometric study of the symplectic operators which are a perturbation of the identity by a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. This subgroup of the symplectic group was introduced in Pierre de la Harpe´s ...
The Ricci flow of left-invariant metrics on full flag manifold SU(3)/T from a dynamical systems point of view
(Gauthier-villars/editions ElsevierParisFrança, 2009)
Invariants of complex structures on nilmanifolds
Let (N, J) be a simply connected 2n-dimensional nilpotent Lie group endowed with an invariant complex structure. We define a left invariant Riemannian metric on N compatible with J to be minimal, if it minimizes the norm ...
Solvsolitons associated with graphs
(de Gruyter, 2013-03)
We show how to associate with each graph with a certain property (positivity) a family of simply connected solvable Lie groups endowed with left-invariant Riemannian metrics that are Ricci solitons (called solvsolitons). ...
Metric geometry of infinite dimensional Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces
(De Gruyter, 2019-09)
We study the geometry of Lie groups G with a continuous Finsler metric, in presence of a subgroup K such that the metric is right-invariant for the action of K. We present a systematic study of the metric and geodesic ...