Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 135
Nominalized constructions with argument function in the languages of the Chaco: a contribution to the typology of South American languages.
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019)
The complementation strategies attested in two well-known areas, the Andean area and the Amazonian area are compared with those existing in Chaco languages, which possibly constitute a linguistic area as well. The Chaco ...
Reflections on language documentation in the Chaco
(University of Hawaii Press, 2018)
This chapter focuses on field research aimed at documenting Chaco languages with varying degrees of vitality, specifically those spoken in Argentina and in the vicinity of the Argentinian/Paraguayan, Argentinian/Bolivian, ...
Reflections on Language Documentation in the Chaco
(University of Hawai'i Press, 2018-12)
This chapter focuses on field research aimed at documenting Chaco languages with varying degrees of vitality, specifically those spoken in Argentina and in the vicinity of the Argentinian/Paraguayan, Argentinian/Bolivian, ...
Being an Indigenous Interpreter in Chaco (Argentina): Stakes of a Category Under ConstructionSer intérprete indígena en Chaco (Argentina): implicancias de una categoría en construcciónÊtre un interprète indigène au Chaco (Argentine) : Des enjeux d’une catégorie en construction
(Universidad de Antioquia, 2022)
Language dispute and social change in new multilingual institutions in Chaco (Argentina)
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-10)
Intercultural bilingual education (IBE) programmes in Latin America pose interesting questions for sociolinguistics, since their implementation interrogates the link between language and the nation resulting from the ...
Los cuentos del zorro entre los tapietes del Gran Chaco: estrategias retóricas en narrativas oralesTales About the Fox Among the Tapiete of the Gran Chaco: Rhetorical Strategies in Oral Narratives
(Ibero- Amerikanisches Institut, 2021-07)
El presente artículo se propone analizar cuentos orales del zorro en lengua tapiete (tupí-guaraní) como práctica cultural y lingüística creativa, en un contexto en el que este pueblo atraviesa procesos de desplazamiento ...
Participation and language learning in bilingual classrooms in Chaco (Argentina)Participación y aprendizaje de lenguas en las aulas bilingües del Chaco (Argentina)
(Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje, 2017-01)
This paper analyses the possibilities for participation and bilingual learning of Wichi children in Chaco (Argentina) in the contexts in which they are currently educated. From a theoretical and methodological approach ...