Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Caracteres florales y palinológicos en Acanthostyles (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) y su relación con la polinizaciónFloral and palinological characters in Acanthostyles (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) and its relationship to pollination
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2017-01)
La polinización por el viento en la familia Asteraceae se encuentra documentada en unas pocas tribus. Particularmente en Eupatorieae, sólo se ha reportado aparente anemofilia en 10 especies pertenecientes a los géneros ...
Usos tradicionales de la flora medicinal y mágico religiosa en el departamento del Quindío
(Educación - Licenciatura en Biología y Educación Ambiental, 2017-03-21)
It was carried out a study about the uses of medicinal and magical religious plants, for this purpose there were developed two types of surveys which were implemented in plants experiments in the urban area of each one of ...
Neotropical freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) shred leaves
Freshwater crabs are macroconsumers that are commonly found in Neotropical headwater streams that may play a key role in energy flow and nutrient cycling in detrital food webs. Although studies have examined the feeding ...