Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1150
The Cost of Equity Field in the Market Projection Companies
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Impactos da restrição financeira e estrutura de propriedade no pagamento de juros sobre o capital prórpio
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-02-26)
This study aimed to find evidence of how financial constraints and ownership structure affect the payment of interest on capital. Therefore, it was used as a base, an unbalanced panel data with information from 399 ...
Impactos da restrição financeira e estrutura de propriedade no pagamento de juros sobre o capital prórpio
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-02-26)
This study aimed to find evidence of how financial constraints and ownership structure affect the payment of interest on capital. Therefore, it was used as a base, an unbalanced panel data with information from 399 ...
Juros sobre o capital próprio função e efeitos na tributação da renda
The research aims to analyze the function and the effects of interest on net equity (JCP) in the taxation of corporate income. Starting with the history of the current legislation, we report the procedures and requirements ...
Performance of Alternative Estimation Procedures of the Implied Equity Duration in a Small Stock Market
This paper is focused on the measurement of interest rate risk of nonfinancial firms. The measurement is the initial step in the risk management, which, in the context of financial risks, it is expected to lead to better ...
A prospective study on the dimensions of global brands, brand equity and brand value
This doctoral thesis is about global brands under several perspectives, starting this study with and overview on the matter, followed by a 'step ahead' in the conceptualization of brand equity and brand value. As the global ...
Compared private equity impact investments
This research aims to study private equity impact investments based on a comparative analysis of different private equity funds practices. In particular, it examines how the requirements of impact investing are encompassed ...
Cost of Capital when Dividends are DeductibleCusto de Capital Quando os Dividendos são Dedutíveis
(Lociedade Brasileira de Finanças, 2011)