Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 49
Grãos ultrafinos por laminação a morno e recozimento intercrítico
Grain refinement of low carbon steel via the warm deformation of martensite during torsion testing was investigated. At the beginning of straining, laths with high dislocation density were observed. After large deformations, ...
Grãos ultrafinos por laminação a morno e recozimento intercrítico
Grain refinement of low carbon steel via the warm deformation of martensite during torsion testing was investigated. At the beginning of straining, laths with high dislocation density were observed. After large deformations, ...
Effect of holding time at an intercritical temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of a ferrite-martensite dual phase steel
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2018-08)
To analyze the influence of the initial microstructure in the production of a dual phase (DP) steel on the mechanical properties, a commercial DP steel was subjected to two heat treatments (HT): step quenching (SQ) and ...
Development of high silicon dual phase austempered ductile iron
(Iron Steel Inst Japan Keidanren Kaikan, 2015-02-02)
This work deals with the feasibility of obtaining Austempered Ductile Iron with Dual Phase structures (DPADI) through heat treatment, starting from different as-cast microstructures. The mechanical properties on these ...
Estudo de elevada taxa de resfriamento após recozimento intercrítico aliado com redução a frio e recozimento subcrítico para viabilizar a esferoidização do aço SAE 52100
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA METALÚRGICAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica, Materiais e de MinasUFMG, 2019-11-12)
Considering the high cost associated with the spheroidization heat treatment of bearing steels, it is necessary to study alternatives to decrease the annealing heat treatment time. This work aimed to develop a new manufacturing ...
(Universidad Nacional de TrujilloPE, 2015-03-18)
Se investigó como afectan los tratamientos térmicos: convencionales e intercriticos, en
las propiedades mecánicas del acero SAE 8620 cuando estos tratamientos parten de
diferentes estructuras. El propósito fue proporcionar ...
The influence of annealing on the mechanical properties of double-phased metals
The dual-phase are produced by intercritical heat treatment and, getting a microstructure composed, basically, by ferrite and martensite, are detached by introduce typical characteristcs like high tensile strength, good ...
Efeito do tamanho de grão ultrafino nas propriedades mecânicas do aço Nb-Ti laminado a morno sequido de recozimento intercrítico e subcrítico
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2007-04-17)
In recent years there has been significant interest on developing of ultra fined ferrite grain steels in order to provide a grain refinement around 1 to 2 m, particularly low carbon Ti and Nb microalloyed steels. Several ...
Análise da influência do processamento termomecânico na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas e textura cristalográfica de um aço 0,08C-8Mn
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-11-13)
Medium manganese steels are a third generation class of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) that combine mechanical properties such as ductility, mechanical strength and fracture toughness, determining characteristics for ...