Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5619
Intelligence in Context: The Cultural and Historical Foundations of Human Intelligence
(Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2022)
This book reflects on the various ways in which intelligence can manifest itself in the wide range of diverse contexts in which people live. Intelligence is often viewed as being tantamount to a score or set of scores on ...
A inteligência emocional, como ferramenta na obtenção do sucesso profissional
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Gestão e Economia, 2013-07-16)
This study's main objective is to highlight the use of Emotional Intelligence as an important tool in the constant pursuit of successful contemporary professional. This monograph is intended to allow the understanding of ...
Task-based learning worksheets in the developmentof multiple intelligences
This project proposes the use of Task-Based Learning worksheets which have been developed as supplementary material based on the Our World through English 1 in order to improve students’ language skills by accessing multiple ...
Effect of intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence toward productivity of employee
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Intelligence in Peru: Students' results in Raven and its relationship to SES.
(ElsevierGB, 2015)
Several studies have tried to estimate the average cognitive ability level in Peru. The results oscillated between IQ 90 (Lynn & Vanhanen, 2002) and 85 (Lynn & Vanhanen, 2006, 2012). Moreover, regional studies conducted ...
The insensitive ruins it all: compositional and compilational influences of social sensitivity on collective intelligence in groups
(Frontiers Media Sa, 2016-05-09)
A group's collective intelligence reflects its capacity to perform well across a variety of cognitive tasks and it transcends the individual intelligence of its members. Previous research shows that group members' social ...
Inteligencias múltiples en alumnos de 4to y 5to año de la institución educativa San Francisco de Asís, 2017
La investigación presentada es de diseño cuantitativo no experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo. El objetivo general es determinar el nivel de las inteligencias múltiples en estudiantes de secundaria del 4to y 5to ...
The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in multiple sclerosis.
Background & objective Deficits in cognitive functions dependent upon the integrity of the prefrontal cortex have been described in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In a series of studies we have shown that fluid intelligence (g) ...