Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36000
Learning projects: a way to integrate communicative and research abilities in integrated english practice and integrated french practiceLos proyectos de aprendizaje: una vía para la integración de habilidades comunicativas e investigativas desde las disciplinas PILI y PILF
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2012)
Contextualized integration as a common playing field for clinicians and researchers: Comment on McWilliams
(American Psychological Association Inc., 2017-09)
We comment on McWilliams's (2016) article, "Integrative Research for Integrative Practice: A Plea for Respectful Collaboration Across Clinician and Researcher Roles." Above all, we appreciate McWilliams's well-toned plea ...
Psychotherapy in Argentina: Theoretical orientation and clinical practice
(Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Humanidades. Proyectos de Investigación, 2008)
This article focuses on the relationship between theoretical orientation and clinical practice in Argentina. Five hundred twenty-five psychotherapists were surveyed in the city of Buenos Aires and the provinces of Buenos ...
Leadership as cultural practice
(Universidade Mackenzie, 2018)
This article proposes the study of leadership as cultural practice, adding the cultural dimension to research on leadership as practice. While the advances of practice-based studies are considerable in organizational ...
(Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2021-02-01)
The text presents a pedagogical practice in / of / about the school routine referring to the process of planning, development and results of an interdisciplinary project about artistic expressions of students and teachers ...
Integration practices for generating alternatives in portfolio management of new product projects
(Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica y de la Innovación (ALTEC)PE, 2022)
Jovenes Amados por Jesús
This document describes the Educational practice I that was realized in the educational institution of the Pital
Contains annual projects axes curricular classes and religious education area, realized in the sixth grade ...
Complementary And Integrative Practices By Doulas In Maternities In Fortaleza (ce) And Campinas (sp), Brazil
(Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde PúblicaSão Paulo, 2016)
Repetition and variation in motor practice: A review of neural correlates
(Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2018)