Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21354
Variables predicting participation in institutional academic support services (IAS)
Cursed by local institutions? An analysis of the role of institutions in the effects of natural resource abundance on the provision of public goods: evidence from peruvian municipalities
After decades of research, there is still no consensus in the literature regarding the effects of natural resource abundance on the economic and political performance of a territory. This research aims to contribute to ...
Factores institucionales, pedagógicos, psicosociales y sociodemográficos asociados al rendimiento académico en la Universidad de Costa Rica: un análisis multinivel
Se realizó un análisis multinivel para predecir calificaciones finales en cursos de carrera, para una muestra estratificada, por áreas académicas, de 848 estudiantes de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se utilizaron como ...
Relevance of institutional administration in the accreditation processes of universities in ChileImportancia de la gestión institucional en los procesos de acreditación universitaria en Chile
(Universidad del Zulia, 2018)
© 2018, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved.We explore whether there is a relationship between the quality of a university, measured by its level of accreditation, and the variables that shape its institutional ...
Economic growth and institutions: the influence of external actors
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Administración Pública, 2016)
Interfirm arrangements in different institutional environments: Mcdonald’s france and brazil case study
This paper aims to investigate the effect of the institutional environment variables on the organizational choice by franchise chains that share a business format. Inasmuch as this type of franchising requires strict ...