Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 380
Recycling capacity through formal and informal activities in six cities in São Paulo State, Brazil
Sustainability of waste management practices is a multidimensional challenge faced by authorities worldwide, especially in low and middle-income countries, where informal sector plays important role. In Brazil, municipal ...
Integration of informal recycling sector in Brazil and the case of Sorocaba City
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2017-07-01)
Catadores are people who collect and sell materials that can be recycled. This activity has been done informally in many countries for years. Recently, a recognition process has begun for the informal recycling sector, ...
Panorama dos resíduos comercializados pela Cooperativa Resíduo Solidário de Campo Mourão - Paraná
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de AmbientalEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2019-12-03)
Recycling is an important process for sustainability and waste picker cooperatives play a fundamental role in this context, as environmental, social and economic aspects converge through the work of the members. The ...
Reciclagem do lixo em Itapetininga: a experiência da COOPERITA em Itapetininga
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Gestão e Economia, 2013-12-06)
This work had as its theme the implementation of a system efficient environmental management, with opportunities generated by the recycling industry and its economic viability in the city of Itapetininga, State of Sao ...
Preliminary thermal evaluation of disposable babies diaper viewing energy recycling
(Springer, 2019-12-01)
Human population growth, high consumption and unsustainable management of products and services are exceeding the sustainable use of natural resources. The use of disposable diapers, not only baby but also geriatric ones, ...
Desafios no manejo dos resíduos sólidos de saúde recicláveis do Hospital de Clínicas de UberlândiaChallenges in the management of solid waste recyclable health from the hospital of clinics of Uberlândia
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Biomédica, 2018)
Avaliação da percepção ambiental dos recicladores de um aterro sanitário na região metropolitana de Salvador
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilGestão Ambiental em MunicípiosUTFPR, 2018-09-01)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the Environmental Perception of the Recyclers of a Sanitary Landfill in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, aiming to evaluate the understanding of the recyclers around the ...
Análise sobre os pontos de entrega voluntária de São José dos Campos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalUTFPR, 2018-08-08)
The picture of the Brazilian municipalities covered by programs of recyclable materials, according to the information published by the Ministry of the Environment in 2012, presents in 8%. Faced with the intensified growth ...
Limites e potencialidades da relação entre poder público municipal e cooperativas de catadores(as) de materiais recicláveis
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade - PPGCTSCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-08-22)
Recyclable-waste collectors cooperatives are organized and established in various regions of the country as an alternative to the misfortunes brought by unemployment and precarious work, which lead part of the population ...