Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1446
Dynamics of Neotyphodium endophyte infection in ageing seed pools: Incidence of differential viability loss of endophyte, infected seed and non-infected seed
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2010-03)
Symbiotic associations between grasses and vertically transmitted endophytic fungi are widespread in nature. Within grass populations, changes in the frequency of infected plants are driven by influence of the endophyte ...
Seed manipulation by ants: disentangling the effects of ant behaviours on seed germination
(Ecological Entomology, 2018)
Chemical and physical evaluation of soybean seeds infected with five soybean mosaic virus (SMV) isolates from Argentina
(Asociación Química Argentina, 2000-12)
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), causing common mosaic, is the most important soybean virus in Argentina. Recently, five isolated (Marcos Juárez, Manfredi, Venado Tuerto, Vincus Plant and Noroeste Argentino) of SMV were ...
Effect of Fusarium graminearum and infection index on germination and vigor of maize seeds
(Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2005-10-01)
Patógenos em sementes de milho (Zea mays) causam sérios problemas, como a perda de sua capacidade germinativa. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar qual o melhor tempo para infecção das sementes de milho com Fusarium ...
Threshold modelling Lolium multiflorum seed germination: Effects of Neotyphodium endophyte infection and storage environment
(International Seed Testing Association, 2012-09)
Several forage species establish mutualistic associations with vertically-transmitted endophytic fungi that improve their fitness. However, the endophyte may be related to livestock toxicosis and hence ageing seeds has ...
Viability of Neotyphodium endophytic fungus and endophyte-infected and noninfected Lolium multiflorum seeds
(NRC Research Press, 2009)
Effects of Collectotrichum truncatum and Cercospora kikuchii on viability and quality of soybean seed.
(Journal of Seed Technology, Beltsville, v.13, n.2, p.136-149, 1989., 2015)
Natural Infection with Cryptosporidium galli in Canaries (Serinus canaria), in a Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), and in Lesser Seed-Finches (Oryzoborus angolensis) from Brazil
(Amer Assoc Avian Pathologists, 2008-12-01)
Proventricular infection by Cryptosporidium sp. or Cryptosporidium galli has been associated with mortality, weight loss, diarrhea, and pasty feces. The purpose of this study is to report the occurrence of natural C. galli ...
Natural Infection with Cryptosporidium galli in Canaries (Serinus canaria), in a Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), and in Lesser Seed-Finches (Oryzoborus angolensis) from Brazil
(Amer Assoc Avian Pathologists, 2008-12-01)
Proventricular infection by Cryptosporidium sp. or Cryptosporidium galli has been associated with mortality, weight loss, diarrhea, and pasty feces. The purpose of this study is to report the occurrence of natural C. galli ...