Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2309
OP60 - East Indians in Trinidad
This series of interviews was conducted by Rosabelle Seesaran, doctoral student in the Department of History, as part of her research on East Indians in Trinidad (Seesaran, Rosabelle, "Social Mobility in the Indo- Trinidadian ...
OP36 - Seukeran, Lionel
See note at OP 18
OP62 - East Indian Family and Gender Relations
This series of interviews was conducted by Patricia Mohammed as part of her doctoral research on the East Indian family and its changing gender relations (Mohammed, Patricia, "A Social History of Post-Migrant Indians in ...
Study Experience of Indian Students and Inter-Racial Relations at the University of Kwazulu-Natal
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2017)
"Ser pataxó: educação e identidade cultural"
O presente trabalho intitulado: “Ser Pataxó: educação e identidade cultural”, consiste numa análise referente a que pessoa Pataxó Hãhãhãi emerge das práticas educacionais ocorridas na Aldeia Nova Vida, em Camamu- Bahia. ...