Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4926
Implementation science and stigma reduction interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Interventions to alleviate stigma are demonstrating effectiveness across a range of conditions, though few move beyond the pilot phase, especially in ...
The Intersectoral Cascade: a Case Study on Perceived Conflict in Implementing Child Development Systems
This article presents a case study on perceived conflict and its outcomes on implementing a system of programs and services for child development support. A multi-level collaboration model is used to deeply examine aspects ...
Preparing future teachers to evaluate learning outcomes
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
An assessment of the implementation and outcomes of recent farmer field schools to improve vegetable production in Trinidad and Tobago
(Journal of international Agricultural Education and Extension, 2009)
The impact of customer performance on IMC outcomes: firm size moderation in the inter-country context
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2021-12-19)
Purpose. Taking the customer-centric nature of integrated marketing communications (IMC), this article investigates the specific role of customer performance in IMC effectiveness in various size companies applying inter-country ...
Examining implementation and labor market outcomes of targeted transit subsidies: Subsidy by sistema nacional de selección de beneficiarios for urban poor in Bogotá, Colombia
To meet the challenges of providing affordable public transit service without compromising the financial sustainability of the system, many transit systems are setting fares at cost-recovery levels. However, to offer ...
Introducción a la investigación de resultados (outcomes research) en gastroenterología
The need to carry out an evaluation of the impact that medical care has on the health of patients is becoming more evident every day, since it is necessary to verify that the care provided to the patient has an effect on ...