Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 270
Desaparecimento e emergência dos grupos subordinados na arqueologia brasileira
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social - IFCH-UFRGS, 2002)
The role and status of English in Spanish-speaking Argentina and its education system: nationalism or imperialism?
(Sage Publications, 2014-01)
There is a lot of controversy nowadays in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) in the context of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) regarding the status and role of English in non-English ...
Ciência nômade: o IHGB e as viagens científicas no Brasil imperialNomadic science: the IHGB and scientific voyages in imperial Brazil
(Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2006)
Postcolonial contraventions : Cultural readings of race, imperialism and transnationalism
This book has evolved over nine years. The year 1993 saw the publication
of my co-edited Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory: A Reader,
which was the first anthology of postcolonial cultural studies to appear ...
Revitalizing Imperialism: Contemporary Campaigns Against Sex Trafficking And Modern Slavery
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, 2016)
El nacionalismo radical en la fase de maniobra: Pedro Albizu Campos y el mito de la nación perfecta
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 1998)