Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 448
Simulation of the DNP3 Protocol Over TCP/IP on a Network IEEE 802.11g Ad-hoc With Smart Meter
(Ieee, 2016-01-01)
With the growing demand for electricity, there was the need to develop an efficient system load demand management for power grids. For implementation of a load demand management system was proposed smart grid architecture. ...
Simulation of the DNP3 protocol over TCP/IP on a network IEEE 802.11g ad-hoc with smart meter
With the growing demand for electricity, there was the need to develop an efficient system load demand management for power grids. For implementation of a load demand management system was proposed smart grid architecture. ...
VHDL modeling for encapsulating of DNP3 protocol in IEEE 802.15.4 Network
This paper describes the VHDL modeling of Smart Meters communication based on DNP3 protocol point-to-point Network using IEEE 802.15.4 interface. The modeling was validated with the simulation of three scenarios which show ...
Evaluación de la conectividad IPV6 en la banda de 2,4 GhzMaskana. Revista Científica
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2016)
Métodos de configuración de redes WLAN y sus estándares de seguridad
Las principales contribuciones de la presente monografía se resumen a continuación: para el escenario de la WLAN abierta, en primer lugar se analiza el rendimiento de una red saturada, a partir del cual se propone un ...
Uma proposta de abordagem fuzzy para tratamento de QoS em redes IEEE 802.16
(Universidade Federal do Espírito SantoBRPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaUFESMestrado em Engenharia Elétrica, 2008-11-04)
O padrão IEEE 802.16 foi desenvolvido no intuito de padronizar as redes metropolitanas de acesso sem fio de banda larga. Ele introduz diversas vantagens, incluindo mecanismos de suporte a QoS na camada MAC. Para garantir ...