Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33
Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater for public supply in the Northeastern portion of the Guarani Aquifer System
(Assoc Brasileira Engenharia Sanitaria Ambiental, 2021-01-01)
The Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) comprises one of the most important aquifers in the world due to its large water reserve and its groundwater quality. However, some regions that comprise the GAS groundwater for human supply ...
Metodología para la caracterización geoquímica de los acuíferos carsicos costeros. I. muestreo sistemático y caracterización de facies hidroquímicas
(Editora Geotech, 2004)
En este trabajo se presenta una metodología para el monitoreo y caracterización de las diferentes facies hidroquímicas presentes en los acuíferos cársicos costeros afectados por los procesos de intrusión marina. Como caso ...
Hydrogeochemistry of the Serra Geral Aquifer System in the Alto Uruguai River region, northwest of the Rio Grande do Sul State and its spatial relationship with the brittle tectonicsHidrogeoquímica do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral na região do Alto Rio Uruguai, Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul e sua relação espacial com a tectônica rúptil
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2016)
Hydrogeochemical study of spas groundwaters from southeast Brazil
This paper describes a hydrochemical study focusing spas groundwaters occurring at São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil, that are extensively used for drinking in public places, bottling and bathing purposes, among ...
Quaternary marine ingressions: hydrogeochemical evidence in the semi-confined aquifer of the littoral of the Río de la Plata, Argentina
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-03)
The Quaternary is characterized by the occurrence of significant climate oscillations that led to noticeable sea-level changes. The objective of this work is to determine, on the basis of hydrochemical indicators, the ...
Caracterização hidroquímica do sistema aquífero Tubarão no município de Americana/SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011)
The growing interest in the use of groundwater resources is directly related to the economic advantages that the groundwater exploitation offers when compared to surface waters. This happens especially in large urban ...
Hydrogeochemical characterization and identification of a system of regional flow. Case study: the aquifer on the Gulf of Urabá, ColombiaCaracterización hidrogeoquímica e identificación de un sistema de flujos regionales. Caso de estudio: Acuífero del Golfo de Urabá, Colombia
(Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de IngenieríaGrupo de Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental (GIGA)Medellín, Colombia, 2018)
Caracterização hidroquímica do sistema aquífero Tubarão no município de Americana/SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015)
Caracterização hidroquímica do sistema aquífero Tubarão no município de Americana/SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015)
Groundwater geochemistry in coastal wetlands: A case study in the Parque Costero del Sur biosphere reserve, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2019-11)
Groundwater geochemistry and dynamics are both among the main controlling factors of environmental features in wetlands. Coastal wetlands in particular are complex environments in which groundwater geochemistry is linked ...